Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

The Group strives to encourage staff and their family members to participate in volunteering activities to build a harmonious society. We have a strong spirit in serving the community, especially children, the elderly and the disadvantaged. The enthusiasm of our colleagues has served over 670 beneficiaries and injected positive energy into our community.

Caring for the Community

Total CSR Hours


Caring for the Elderly

To show appreciation for the contributions to our senior citizens made to the development of our community, we take part in various elderly services to express our respect and gratitude. Year 2019 marks our eleventh year partnering with the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals to show our love and care to the elderly. Our collaboration in 2019 took us to the Stephen Yow Mok Shing Neighbourhood Elderly Centre to enjoy a day of togetherness and festivities.

Caring for the Elderly

Activity at Stephen Yow Mok Shing Neighbourhood Elderly Centre

Caring for Underprivileged Children

Child welfare is one of the focus areas of our community services. Working closely with the Hans Andersen Club, we organised “Happy Summer Break 2019” for children from grass-roots families to enjoy a wonderful day filled with games and story-telling sessions. Our volunteering team in Macau co-organised a movie day for underprivileged children with the Social Service Section of The Methodist Church of Macao.

Caring for Underprivileged Children

Happy Summer Break 2019

Caring for the Disadvantaged

To promote social inclusion, we work closely with different organisations and share seasonal cheer with the disadvantaged throughout the year. In our continued collaboration with the Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association, we supported a fundraising event during the Chinese New Year to support individuals with Down syndrome. We also participated in the “2019-2020 Hong Kong Citizen Hong Kong Heart - Volunteer Ambassador Program” organised by “Volunteer Movement”. Our volunteers knitted scarves for the rehabilitation groups in December 2019.

Caring for the Frontline Workers

To show our care to frontline workers, we have delivered 300 “Workers Caring Packs” with anti-epidemic materials and hand sanitizers to our site workers in March 2020. Our volunteer team also participated the Construction Industry Caring Campaign – Fight against Novel Coronavirus to pack 2,000 “Worker Caring Packs” on 29 May 2020.

Caring for the Frontline Workers

Fight against Novel Coronavirus to pack 2,000 “Worker Caring Packs” on 29 May 2020.